Fire Protection Equipment - Market Report
Released on = April 16, 2007, 12:29 am
Press Release Author = Bharat Book Bureau
Industry = Marketing
Press Release Summary = Key Note estimates that in 2003 the total UK market for fire protection equipment was worth 1.06bn. This figure includes both items used for active fire protection - which can be divided into fire detection and alarm systems - and equipment and materials designed for the purpose of fire suppression.
Press Release Body = Fire Protection Equipment - Market Report
Key Note estimates that in 2003 the total UK market for fire protection equipment was worth 1.06bn. This figure includes both items used for active fire protection - which can be divided into fire detection and alarm systems - and equipment and materials designed for the purpose of fire suppression. Products found in the fire suppression sector include portable extinguishers, fixed extinguishing systems and fire hoses. The market size figure incorporates costs for the design, supply, installation and maintenance of alarm systems and fixed extinguishing systems, as well as for the supply and maintenance of portable extinguishers.
The growth in construction output between 1999 and 2003 has helped to ensure continued demand for new fire protection equipment. In particular, there was strong growth in the output of new housing in 2002 and 2003, which appears to be continuing into 2004. The new-build sector is now the main driver for sales of smoke detectors, as retail sales to consumers depend to a large extent on persuading householders to either renew old alarms or purchase extra ones. The other area of strong building growth has been in public sector non-housing. New building output in the commercial sector remains at a high level, but was lower in 2003 than it had been in 2002. The infrastructure building sector also fell in 2003 and the industrial new building sector remains weak, although there was some improvement in 2003. This means that much of the growth and innovation in the UK market for fire protection equipment is targeted towards new-build homes.
The complex fire legislation in the UK has undergone a lengthy overhaul, which culminated in the introduction of new legislation in 2004. This new legislation places responsibility on employers to assess risks and ensure the safety of workers using a building. The fire protection market will also be affected by the implementation of the final part of the Disability Discrimination Act in October 2004.
Both the fire services and the fire industry are focusing their attention on how to reduce the number of false alarms emanating from fire detection systems. This issue has led to the development of intelligent detectors. These are able to take account of ambient conditions which might trigger an alarm. The introduction, in 2002, of an inspection and certification scheme for installers of fire alarms should raise standards and help reduce those false alarms which arise from inadequate installation or maintenance.
Key Note forecasts that the fire protection market will continue to grow over the next 5 years (2004 to 2008), at levels above that of the general growth of the economy. Areas for growth include analogue addressable alarm systems, intelligent detectors, multiple sensor detectors and environmentally benign fire-fighting chemicals. Key Note Market Reports Invaluable aids to anyone needing to gain a highly detailed understanding of a specific market for more informed decision-making.
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